Everyone experiences stress in their lifetime. It is a normal human function that people go through, sometimes on a daily basis. There are many different triggers to stress as well as many ways to cope with it.
Stress happens when change occurs, or if there is a possibility of change occurring, that affects the body resulting in either a physical or mental response.
Some signs and symptoms include feeling overwhelmed, being uninterested in daily activities, feeling anxious, irritability, etc. Not all stress is inherently bad, especially since some levels of stress help keep us on our toes.
However, when you feel stressed for a long time without relaxation or relief, that is when stress can begin to be an issue.
Long term stress can physically impact the body since stress triggers the one’s flight or fight response. Some of the effects can be body aches, digestive problems, visual changes, chest pain, trouble sleeping, and many more.
Stress can negatively impact one’s mental state as well. This can include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and sadness. If your body is in chronic pain from stress, that can lead to harmful practices like gambling, excessive drinking, over or under eating, and drug use.
This is why it is important to get in tune with your body, so you are able to identify your stressors and also which coping mechanisms work for you. Stressors can be anything that causes you stress like any changes in your life, feeling under pressure, having a deadline that you need to meet, worries about family and friends, feeling overwhelmed, and so much more.
There are a number of ways to cope with stress and it may take a few trial runs to find what works best for you, but finding a coping mechanism is important. Some ways that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend for managing stress are getting enough sleep, eating healthy, drinking enough water, taking a break from news stories, taking time to unwind, limiting alcohol intake, and making connections with others.
Some other ways that may help with stress are exercising, (adult) coloring, reading, going to your favorite place, spending time with loved ones, and self-care. With the many different ways to cope with stress, you are bound to find something that helps.
Again, it is important to find ways to decrease stress so that you are able to handle difficult situations, be more productive, and overall more content within yourself.
For more information please visit my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11874-stress, www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/stress/causes-of-stress/, and www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/cope-with-stress/index.html.