Theatre review: Rashomon

This week the Tarleton State University theatre department will be putting on a show called “Rashomon”. “Rashomon” is a very interesting show, about a story told from four different points of view. Directed by Carol Stavish, “Rashomon” is definitely a play worth seeing.

“Rashomon” stars many newcomers to the stage. Emilia Richardson does an outstanding job as the chaotic, almost psychotic wigmaker. Adding to the creepiness of the show is Michael Grisso, who plays a bandit named Tajomaru. He is very convincing as a cold-hearted antagonist.

The show has a lot of body movement that really makes the play flow well, thanks to choreography by Kaylee Carlile and Jennifer Lewis.

The play also features many interesting technical aspects. The costumes, hair and makeup were done magnificently in a very abstract, Avant-garde style, and definitely kept with the integrity of the show. The set, lights, and music made this show a unique viewing experience. The lights cast shadows on the jagged edges of the set, and the music really ties it all together. All the designers of this show did an impressive job tying all the technical aspects together to make the show great.

“Rashomon” will run at 7:30 p.m. tonight, Tuesday Nov. 12, until Saturday, Nov. 16. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults.