Op Ed: What’s a May Fete anyway?


Rachel Crawford, Managing Editor

Last week, rumors sparked on Twitter about the cancellation of May Fete. I was confused. I had been here for a year and hadn’t heard about this pageant before. People were getting so mad on Twitter about it’s supposed cancellation.

Somehow, a rumor started and students were jumping to conclusions, but they were just rumors. People were getting upset about rumors. No one had confirmed anything. I don’t even know where or how the rumors started.

When students took to Twitter, I was in the office and confused about what everyone was talking about. I ended up having to look it up on the Tarleton website because I didn’t know what May Fete was. I even spelled it wrong the first time, saying ‘May Fate,’ because I hadn’t ever heard of it.

I heard other people talk about it, and pretty much everybody said that no one actually went to this event. So why was everyone complaining about it if no one actually goes?

It seems kind of silly to complain about the rumored cancellation of an event that most students don’t even go to. It must not be that big of a deal if some students don’t even know what May Fete is in the first place.

I know tradition is a huge thing here at Tarleton. But even if May Fete was cancelled, why get mad over something that most people don’t even seem to care about?