OP-ED: I’m tired of your thumb-thugging, I am #OverIt


Hilaree Foreman, Editor-In-Chief

Social media comment sections; it’s the devil. Well, maybe I’m being dramatic but you know what I mean. It gives you access to people from all over the world; but it also exposes you to the trolls.

Keyboard warriors, or thumb-thugs as I like to say, are at an all-time high. Every egg avatar and dog photo seems to get off on the anonymity of social media. When there are no repercussions, there is no thought put into your actions.

Simply put: you are miserable. You thrive off of someone else’s misery and anger. You say whatever you want just because you know for the most part, someone isn’t going to show up at your door holding you accountable for whatever you spew out of your hateful keyboard (because let’s face it, you aren’t going to say it to my face).

And what makes it worse is that most of the trolls aren’t even from the “millennial” generation; its from grown, greasy, still-live with-my-mother men who love to fight with college students and women (i.e., Leslie Jones).

What is your problem? Are you not satisfied with the hot pockets and pizza rolls that your mother supplies for you? Do you feel inadequate because of said pizza rolls that your mother has to buy for you because you don’t have a job to afford the pizza rolls?

The point is, use common sense. Your mother taught you better than that.

You wouldn’t say it to someone’s face (or mine), so don’t say it online.

(You asked for this Ralph)