Op-Ed: Don’t be that millennial

Hilaree Foreman, Editor-in-Chief

With Thanksgiving coming up and us being the “Millennial Generation” and feel entitled to everything, I feel as if it may be time for a bit of a refresher on reflection and being grateful.
From my years of working in retail and listening to customers, I’ve noticed that the only thing a lot of people look forward to Thanksgiving about is the Black Friday sales. Like, seriously?!

Now I know you’re thinking, “I’m grateful for everything I have, don’t lump me in with those people,” but hear me out. A lot of times as young people and as Americans, we often time don’t think about the little things that we think of as a right that others would sometimes trade their life to be your life.

Take for instance Flint, Michigan.


Think about that for a minute, no clean drinkable water. The lead-infested water is not even clean enough to take a bath, brush their teeth or cook here in the good ol’ United States of America.

While you’re complaining about how you have to set the table or wash the dishes after you eat, be grateful that you can use the water that comes out of the sink to wash your dishes.

Now I don’t want you to take this as me barking and preaching at you to be a good person, I just want you to keep everything in perspective and think about the things you value as rights, that others consider a luxury. Isn’t that what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about?

(Besides the whole murdering of the Indigenous people part?)