Tarleton hosts FFA invitational for fifth year



The rain this week came accompanied by over 1,800 high school Future Farmers of America (FFA) students from across Texas as Tarleton State University hosted the annual Invitational Leadership Career Development Event (LCDE). This was one of the largest years for participation as 75 schools came to Stephenville to compete.

“When I competed in my first FFA Creed competition, I was so nervous that I forget to recite an entire paragraph, knocking me out of contention for a banner,” Dr. David Frazier, Assistant Professor of the Agricultural and Consumer Sciences department, said. “I was nervous, as this was my first competition and unfortunately it was a District contest and only the top two advanced to the next level. I was devastated and wished over and over that I could have a redo.”

Frazier said his own embarrassment serves as inspiration for encouraging FFA students to compete at the Tarleton invitational.

“[The invitational] allows these FFA members to get their mistakes out in a contest that doesn’t determine who advances to the next level,” Frazier explained. “Most of them compete in their district contests next week and hopefully, their nerves will be better than mine were.”

Tarleton and its collegiate FFA members hosted 13 events. The events are meant for individual and team competitors to fine tune their skills and test their knowledge before going back to their own district competitions.

“Tarleton students were 100% responsible for organizing and judging the events,” Frazier said. “Many of these students are prospective agricultural education teachers and this gives them a great indication as to how they should be preparing teams in the future. It also allows them to show their leadership while providing a great service to the FFA chapters across the state.”

The events held this year ranged from Public Relations to an Agriculture Issues forum, all aimed at engaging students on multiple levels. The events went on despite the rain and helped to foster a positive relationship between Tarleton’s agriculture department and FFA chapters across the state.

Tarleton students can expect to see the FFA students return next year when they return for the sixth annual invitational.