Local church hosting Christmas charity drive

Children seen carrying their newly received Christmas packages.

Chelsea Bradley/Editor-In-Chief [email protected]

First Christian Church of Stephenville is hosting its annual charity drive, Operation: Christmas Child. Tarleton State University students, along with others in the community, are invited to participate.

“I feel this to be a very worthy cause,” said David Swearingen, Stephenville resident and member of First Christian Church of Stephenville. “Not only do underprivileged children get to receive a gift box of goodies… but each gift box also contains a Christian message of God’s love written in the language of that particular child’s country. Most of these children own basically nothing that they can call their own… and they are made aware that someone in the world cares about them.”

Operation: Christmas Child is an international campaign that utilizes shoeboxes filled with gifts to be shipped to children around the world. The boxes can be any average size cardboard or plastic shoebox. After deciding on a gender and age category (2-4, 5-9 or 10-14) participants should fill the box with a variety of gifts – toys, school supplies, non-liquid hygiene items, accessories and/or a personal note and photo of the sender and their family or organization – and drop them off at First Christian Church any time between now and Nov. 24, along with a $7 donation for international shipping costs.

“I am told that some of the children that receive the plastic gift boxes have even been known to use the plastic containers to transport water for their families,” Swearingen added.

Boxes can be dropped off at First Christian Church of Stephenville, 450 W. Tarleton St. For more information, the church can be reached at (254) 965-4878.