Student Spotlight: Kylie Raab


Kylie Raab

Kylie Raab is a senior business management major at Tarleton State University. She is involved in Delta Mu Delta (The International Business Honor Society), University Choir, and Student Government Association, where she is a house representative for Delta Mu Delta and is on the SGA Engagement Committee. You may see her around Tarleton at her favorite places on campus: the Business Student Lounge or the library. After graduating in May, she hopes to work for a global hotel industry so that she can travel.


JTAC: Why did you choose to come to Tarleton?

Kylie Raab (KR): Well, it’s cheaper than a lot of other colleges, and it’s close to home. I used to live in Dublin and it wasn’t too far so I could commute to school and still be able to live with my family. Now we live here in Stephenville, so I get to walk to class and I don’t have to worry about parking.

JTAC: What is your favorite part about Tarleton?

KR: There are a lot of good qualities about Tarleton. I really like the professors because they seem to know what they’re talking about and care about the students; they try to really help the students learn the material.

JTAC: What is one thing you wish you could change about Tarleton?

KR: More parking spaces of course, and probably some of the roads could be improved too. There have been a couple of times where I’ve almost been hit when I’m walking to class because someone is driving too fast or not paying attention.

JTAC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

KR: The first place I’d want to go is South Korea because my dad and my sisters live there. Then Germany or Italy would probably be the second one.

JTAC: You have just received the perfect gift from someone. What gift would that be?

KR: Probably books; I really like reading, especially Manga, which is sort of like a Japanese comic book.

JTAC: Do you prefer tea or coffee?

KR: It kind of depends on what mood I’m in. Usually I drink tea more than coffee though I think.

JTAC: Finally, you are forced to relive the same day over and over. What day would that be?

KR: Friday, because I have no classes!