Changes for fall 2014 registration

The College Scheduler allows students to input their preferences for class and free times.

Tarleton State University has converted course numbers to the Texas Common Course Numbers system. A link was provided by the registrar’s office to assist students in comparing course numbers prior to registering.

In addition to the change in numbering, a new feature called “College Scheduler” is now available to help students create “the perfect class schedule” by allowing users to schedule classes around preferred off times, select specific instructors, and choose particular sections. The system then creates a schedule as close to the user’s preferences as possible.

Class registration for fall 2014 will begin this Friday, March 28 at 6 a.m. for honors students and Texan Reps. The rest of the registration schedule is as follows:

Honors and Texan Reps         March 28

Doctoral/Grad/Seniors            March 31

Juniors                                                April 3

Sophomores                            April 6

Freshmen                                April 9

Registration will open each day from 6 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. After closing from April 13-20 it will reopen for all students on April 21.

To compare old course numbers to the TCCNS numbers, visit

“College Scheduler” can be found on MyGateway under the Registration tab.