Tarleton Round Up to serve Stephenville community

The 16th annual Tarleton Round Up will be held March 22.

The 16th annual Tarleton Round Up will be held March 22.

This year, Tarleton Round Up will be referred to as Project 952 and hopes to bring in more volunteers while representing a Tarleton State University tradition.

“I thought of the idea of Project 952 because I wanted to showcase and incorporate another one of Tarleton’s core values of tradition into Tarleton Round Up,” co-coordinator Marissa Waldon said. “We wouldn’t have our university if John Tarleton didn’t walk 952 miles, so we should give back to the community just as he gave to us.”

For the 16th annual event, volunteers will travel around the Stephenville community to assist residents from basic household chores to yard work.

“This can be anything from washing windows to pulling weeds,” student engagement graduate assistant Sarah McCann said. “This year we are partnering with more organizations and businesses to offer the Stephenville residents even more services. Some of the new additions include sensitive document shredding to prevent identity theft, tire haul off, recycling services, highway cleanups, and Bosque River cleanup.”

The goal for this year is to have at least 952 volunteers and 100 job sites. According to Waldon, they are more than halfway to their goal in the number of job sites.

“I believe that students should volunteer to help with this project because Stephenville gives Tarleton so much and it’s great to show our appreciation as a student body,” Waldon said. “College is a time for growth and we can utilize that by participating in opportunities such as Round Up.”

Students are also encouraged to participate in the Tarleton Neighbor Initiative by submitting job applications to http://www.tarleton.edu/leadership/round-up-job-submission.html.

“The Tarleton Neighbor Initiative is meant to encourage students who live off campus in the Stephenville community to clean up their rental properties,” McCann said.

Volunteers will meet at the visitor’s side of the football stadium at 7 a.m. on March 22 with their Texan cards in order to sign in. Volunteers will receive a free t-shirt, energy drinks, breakfast and lunch.

“Tarleton Round Up will be a great experience this year,” committee member Catherine Gorecki said. “Not only will you be helping the whole community and working with your friends, the whole experience will leave each individual feeling great in the end and leave Tarleton looking great.”

To volunteer, log on to OrgSync and search for “Tarleton Round Up Volunteer Application.”