Student Spotlight: Warren Ethridge


Warren Ethridge

Warren Ethridge is a senior biology major. Not only is Warren an intern for the Biology department, he is also the president of the Baptist Student Ministry and an Office Assistant for Legends Hall.  He will graduate this May and two weeks later marry Sarah Davis, whom he has been dating for 5 years.

JTAC: Why did you choose to come to Tarleton?

Warren Ethridge (WE): It’s kind of funny; my parents actually went here back in the ‘80s. I did not want to come to Tarleton at first, but my dad wanted me to come see it so that I could just kind of get a baseline of what other schools are like and compare it to Tarleton, since Tarleton is one of the cheaper schools. So I came here and I fell in love with it and realized how comfortable I was here and how people really wanted to get to know you. This is where God called me to be.

JTAC: Where is your favorite place on campus?

WE: When I lived on campus, I used to love to get up early and see the sun rise. I love the way it looks when the light hits the President’s house and Heritage Park at that time of the day—it’s really beautiful.

JTAC: What is your favorite part about Tarleton?

WE: My favorite part is all of the friends that I have made here; all of the people that I’ve gotten to connect with and pour into their lives. I’m really big in my faith, so I love that I get to talk to a lot of people who range all across the board in that. Tarleton has this stigma of being just a “cowboy school,” and that’s not true at all. I really enjoy getting to meet people in all different walks of life and to get to do life right alongside with them—that’s my favorite part.

JTAC: What is one thing you wish you could change about Tarleton?

WE: Unrealistically, I’d love to have free coffee every day from the library people; they make the best coffee, and I spend way too much money at that little library coffee shop (which is now I guess in the D-Hall).

JTAC: What kind of candy is the best?

WE: My favorite candy is Butterfingers. I know there’s a lot of differing opinions out there, but Butterfingers is definitely my favorite.

JTAC: What do you think your patronus (from Harry Potter) would be? (A patronus is a kind of spirit animal)

WE: I would love to say it’s something vicious like a Siberian Husky, but it’d probably end up being something like a little poodle or something. I’m really calm and I don’t really get angry very easily, so I’d probably end up having a patronus that’s something small and gentle, like a puppy.

JTAC: What is your favorite winter Olympic sport to watch?

WE: I really like the Ski Jump, I’m not sure if that’s the technical name, but it’s where they go off the ramp and see how far away they can land.  But I’d probably say Luge or Bobsled is my favorite because it’s so intense; they’re just flying in those things and are hardly protected at all.

JTAC: Finally, what everyday activity could you win the gold at if it became an Olympic sport?

WE: People-watching. I’m a closet people-watcher, and if it became a competition where you have to like watch someone in a populated area and come back and tell something about them, I could win gold in that.