Tarleton Observatory to host spring 2014 Star Party at Hunewell Ranch


The Star Party will being tonight, Feb. 28 at sunset.

Landon Pool/Reporter

The Tarleton State University Observatory at Hunewell Ranch will be hosting the spring 2014 Star Party tonight, Friday, Feb. 28. Visitors will be able to view the stars and planets up close through the Observatory’s large, powerful 32-inch research telescope, in addition to several small telescopes. People are also encouraged to bring their own telescope if they have one to share the view with others.

Visitors should arrive about 30 minutes before sunset, around 5:30 p.m. Several professional and amateur astronomers will be present, including the Fort Worth Astronomical Society. Dr. Shaukat Goderya, who organized the event, encourages the Tarleton community to take advantage of the rare opportunity to come look in such a large telescope.

“Come out, bring a willing eyeball, and have some fun with us,” Goderya said.

When reaching the gate to the observatory, please dim car lights. Volunteers will be present to assist visitors with parking at the Observatory. Those interested can find directions to the Hunewell Ranch at http://www.tarleton.edu/Costweb/observatory/Map_Observatory.html. Coffee and hot chocolate will also be served. For more information, contact Goderya at (254) 592-1008.