Tarleton coach to participate in Handsome Hunks of Erath County

Justin Hobbs, the assistant track and field coach at Tarleton State University will participate in the Handsome Hunks of Erath County to benefit the local Meals on Wheels and senior center. Courtesy

On Aug. 8, the local Meals on Wheels is introducing the very first Handsome Hunks of Erath County. The male beauty pageant will begin at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall at City Limits. All profits will be donated to the Meals on Wheels of Erath County and the local senior center.

Tina York a Tarleton State University student and a marketing intern for Meals on Wheels is enthusiastic about the event.

“We can only get so much money from the government. This is a way to just make sure everyone gets fed and are able to stay in their homes instead of having to move to a nursing home,” York said.

This event has been held in Hood County for the past three years and has shown great successes.  With Meals on Wheels having offices throughout Erath they disperse meals to the county which takes a toll on their already tight budget. Events such as this one helps the local offices feed all who are in need.

Justin Hobbs, the assistant track and field coach at Tarleton, will be in the pageant.

“I am a little nervous because I’m not exactly sure what to expect,” Hobbs said. “I will tell you though, I have put myself on a rigorous diet of cookies, peanut butter sandwiches and frozen yogurt. Oh and I have been practicing my runway walk every night before I got to bed.”

Hobbs said he hopes this benefit will bring a lot of members in the community out to support such a great cause.

“Meals on wheels is a fantastic charity,” Hobbs said.

Other participants in this event include Mayor Kenny Weldon, Dr. Ben Marcum, coach Joseph Gillespie and more.

The tickets are $35 a piece or $300 for a table and can be purchased at Integra care, Empire Tribune, or Mulbury Manor. There will also be an auction going on during the event for a date with a bachelor.

For more information contact York at (214) 517-6761.