Why You Should Attend a Student Study Session


Alex Huerta/ The JTAC

The Tarleton study sessions are held typically in the Dick Smith Library

Tarleton State University offers many resources to its students to take advantage of. One of those resources is called, Student Study Session. What is Student Study Session? It is a cross-campus Texan network whose focus is to assist students in their academics.

Student Development and Mentoring give students the opportunities to attend Study Skills Sessions all throughout the school year. They are geared toward helping you build on your study skills, test-taking skills, note-taking strategies, etc. These Study Skills Sessions are help Mondays and Tuesdays on campus and last 30 min long.

You can find when and where these sessions are located on the Tarleton website’s Public Calendar. Then don’t require an RSVP and admission is free. All you have to do is sign in when you arrive with your student identification number.

So what exactly happens in these sessions? The session will already have a preplanned topic that they will be covering. Monday, October 1, 2019, the topic was, “Reading and Taking Notes”. Sarah Nolan, a freshman at Tarleton State University, wanted to share her experience.

“I’ve been going to just about every session they have here. I knew it would be different from high school and I actually had to put all my effort into making good grades,” says Nolan.

She went on to express how she thinks it should be utilized by a freshman who is having trouble in their classes and doesn’t know any upperclassmen to ask for advice.

Nolan says, “ Being an out of state student who’s also a first generation one, I was scared that my skills from high school weren’t good enough and I didn’t know who to ask for pointers on how I should study. I didn’t know my options until I looked at the calendar and saw the study skills session were a choice.”

She recommends anyone having the option to go to attend, especially freshman.

In the session, the presenter has a PowerPoint full of tips on how to personalize your note-taking to you. Not all students take notes the same so they are there to show you how to get more about what you hear. They present you with options on different techniques for note taking that are well known to work for students such as Cornell format, outline format, and list format. All in all these sessions present you with options on how to make it work for each individual person and are there for students to take advantage of. This is just one of many topics they cover. If interested the Tarleton public calendar on the website has the information for the next study session.