Tarleton rodeo teams to host auction, dinner, Hall of Fame induction

It’s time for the fourth annual Steak Dinner and Auction, for the Tarleton State University Rodeo Team. The teams will host the event on Nov. 2 at the Thompson Student Center Ballrooms.

Last year, over $13,000 was raised from the sponsors.

Students are gathering products donated by the community for the auction. Each student is responsible for gathering items and introducing themselves to the community. Everyone is invited to attend the auction and meet the students who rodeo for Tarleton.

“Anyone can donate product by simply calling the rodeo office and we will gladly pick it up. The money raised will go toward helping with our annual rodeo held in April and for the indoor arena fund. It is also a way to showcase this year’s Hall of Fame inductees,” said head rodeo coach, Mark Eakin.

Tickets will be available starting Oct. 15, and will be $80 per couple. The ticket includes a steak dinner for two, access to the auction, and drinks.

Questions and donations can be directed to the rodeo office at (254) 968-9187.