Student Spotlight: Brinley Kilpatrick

Manager of the Tarleton Women’s Basketball team receives full ride scholarship via TikTok announcement

Junior Kinesiology major from Fort Worth, Texas, Brinley Kilpatrick, is a well rounded Tarleton student who has her hand in various organizations on and off campus. With her mind set on becoming an occupational therapist, Kilpatrick has a long line of schooling ahead of her.

Kilpatrick is currently involved in the Tarleton Transition Mentor program (TTM) as a proud member of the Leadership Team (LT).

As a senior in high school, Kilpatrick was unsure of her future in the world of basketball. Whilst she was contacting schools in order to play at the collegiate level, she was contacted by Tarleton State University with an offer to be the Women’s Basketball team manager. After consideration she ended up here amongst the purple and white.

As manager of the basketball team, Brinley is in charge of all of the team’s equipment as well as their uniforms and practice gear. Kilpatrick happily sits on the sidelines during games in order to raise team spirit and assist the coaches when necessary. One of her favorite parts of being a manager is being able to travel with the team when they go off to games and tournaments.

“It’s cool to be still around the sport and part of the team. As a manager I still consider myself part of the team, you know everyone on the staff is. We all get to contribute to the team. It’s just from a different perspective now,” Kilpatrick stated.

Kilpatrick was happy to share that she too is on scholarship to be on the team like many of its members are. After three years of service to the team, the coaches surprised her with a full ride scholarship earlier this year. 

 “In my mind when the coach asked about when I graduated and that she was trying to find some extra money for me for school I did not think she meant anything more than maybe 1,000 dollars,”  Kilpatrick stated.

The coaches made a TikTok for the @tsuwbb_managers account, which revealed to Kilpatrick that she had earned her way to a full scholarship to end her time at Tarleton State University.

As a returner TTM, Kilpatrick interviewed late last semester for the LT spot and now serves as one of the eight leadership team members.

An LT member is in charge of many of the behind the scenes operations of all things TTM. They are a part of the orientation staff and are able to go to all four duck camps. Kilpatrick shared stories of her past in the TTM program and recommended applying to anyone who is even considering it. Crediting many of her leadership skills to the program Kilpatrick was excited by the topic.

“It got me into a better position leadership wise because I was never a very outspoken or outgoing person. I would never just go up to random people and start a conversation, but now it’s so much easier,” Kilpatrick stated.

The TTM program was an eye opening experience for Kilpatrick. “I am more aware that people look up to me now because I was a TTM and it’s so important to learn…It’s the little things that you think no one ever sees but they do,” Kilpatrick stated.

Besides serving as a TTM and being the basketball manager, Brinley Kilpatrick spends her time with her challenge group and Paradigm friends on her Tuesday and Thursday nights and attends First Baptist Church Stephenville on Sunday mornings.

You can see more of Brinley on  TiKTok @tsuwbb_managers , along with the rest of the women’s basketball team and their adventures.